Craig Carlson


3147 Marine Biotech
Microbial oceanography, marine biogeochemistry, bacterioplankton dynamics, dissolved organic matter, carbon cycle.

Thomas Even

EEMB Vice Chair
Senior Lecturer

4322 Life Sciences Building
Population and community ecology, river ecology, predator-prey interactions, science education.

Débora Iglesias-Rodriguez


3151 Marine Biotech
Debora Iglesias-Rodriguez has worked for twenty years on diversity and function in marine phytoplankton combining molecular approaches, carbon physiology and biogeochemistry in the lab and in the field.

Armand Kuris


2002 Marine Biotech
The mission of our research group is to reveal the role of infectious diseases in ecosystems. We investigate parasite ecology, disease ecology, food web dynamics, ecology and evolution of infectious strategies, and control of human parasites.

Sally MacIntyre


4308 Marine Science Institute
Limnology and Coastal Oceanography, with particular emphasis on physical-biological coupling.

Todd Oakley

EEMB Department Chair

4101 Life Sciences Building
Macroevolution, phylogenetics, bioluminescence, vision, molecular evolution, complexity, marine organismal biology.

Adrian Stier

Associate Professor

2108 Noble Hall
Ocean Resilience: biodiversity, assembly, and sustainability of harvested ocean ecosystems.

Andrew Thurber

Associate Professor

Noble Hall 2136

My research focuses on how deep-sea and polar communities function.  These areas cover well over 63 percent of the gl